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Heritage Past, Present and Future: Day 1, Session 1 (panel)
Heritage Past, Present and Future: Day 1, Session 2
Heritage Past, Present and Future: Day 1, Session 3
Heritage Past, Present and Future: Day 2, Session 4
Heritage Past, Present and Future: Day 2, Session 5
Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Forum 2024 DAY 1
Rethinking Heritage and Heritage Futures: Day 1—Part 1
Symposium—Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color, Day 1
(1/3) Selected Presentations at “Heritage out of Control: Waste, Spirits, Energies” Workshop - Day 1
OWH IT Globinar - Session 1 Plenary
Panel 2: History in Nationalism // Nations and Nationalism: Past, Present and Future
Session 1: "Contested architectural heritage across Central and Eastern Europe"